The Royal Dragoneers (The Dragoneers Saga, #1)

The Royal Dragoneers - M.R. Mathias I had the pleasure of reading this book early. I am very happy I did. While fantasy is not my usual genre, I always love reading great stories and Mathias has the ability to tell a great story. In fact, I was often reading this book at work instead of doing my work. Oops!Mathias has created a great cast of characters, but by far, my favorite was Zah. She, yes a she, is not only a strong female but she can kick some major butt. She also was very compassionate and I loved how her story progresses throughout the book. The other characters I loved were the dragons. I never thought I would be cheering for a dragon, but that is what I did.I thought the 2nd half of the book was much faster paced because it was filled with non-stop action and seriously kept me on the edge of the seat.A great read for fantasy lovers or anyone looking for a new genre.