Michelle, the Bookshelf Stalker

Abandoned - Cody McFadyen another great book in the series.
Unteachable - Leah Raeder Loved it. More review coming soon...
Dying Is My Business - Nicholas Kaufmann Loved, loved, loved it. Easily, one of my favorite books of the year. Review coming closer to release date.


Countdown - Michelle Rowen I could not get into this book. Something about the girl being a Badass one minute and an annoying girly girl the next. Seemed too extreme and thus, too unrealistic. Plus I liked The Running Man too much to have it remade. I'm not rating it since I didn't get far into the book.
Wrong Place, Wrong Time - Tilia Klebenov Jacobs I can't continue to read but I wanted to. The story is good but the writing, especially the dialogue, is too sophisticated /technical. This book definitely has potential and with a beta reader/editor that is not an English professor, it could be really good. In fact, I am not going to rate it in hopes of one day reading an updated version.

Tear You Apart

Tear You Apart - Megan Hart Want a signed copy of this book... Come to www.badassbookreviews.com and sign up for the giveaway.
Zero Sum (Zero Sight, #2) - B. Justin Shier So good!
Wayward - Blake Crouch Review coming soon but definitely a middle book.
The Face of Death - Cody McFadyen Liked it better than book 1 even. Something about this series, the writing and the characters that makes me keep reading.
Darkbound - Michaelbrent Collings Almost too gruesome...

Game (Jasper Dent, #2)

Game  - Barry Lyga Couldn’t help it. This book inspired me to write a post on cliffhangershttp://badassbookreviews.com/cliffhangers-love-or-hate/My mini review below.. Mr. Lyga, I can handle women gutted like fish. I can handle serial killers collecting penises because they have manhood issues. I can even handle using a grapefruit spoon to pluck out those juicy eyeballs. I CAN NOT handle THREE cliffhangers in one book. To make matters worse, your next damn book is coming out in 2014. Is this part of your master plan? Are you going Billy on us, trying to screw with our brain? Oh by the way, brilliant book.
Vampire Elite (Vampire Elite, #1) - Irina Argo Review coming soon.
The Sea of Tranquility - Katja Millay The biggest disappointment is having this book end and trying to read anything else afterwards.
The 5th Wave - Rick Yancey Read a fun group review by Regina, AH and me on http://badassbookreviews.com/audio-book-review-5th-wave-by-rick-yancey-5th-wave-1/
A Firm Hand - Fallon Blake Future badass hidden gemFallon Blake is an author that needs to write outside erotica. While she writes incredible erotica stories, I want more from her because she is such an incredible writer. Until then, I'll keep enjoying her badass sexy books. More review coming soon...

Bound by Night (MoonBound Clan Vampires, #1)

Bound by Night - Larissa Ione Review coming closer to release date.

Currently reading

Mira Grant
Written in Red
Anne Bishop
Just Ella
Annette K. Larsen